Saturday, November 28, 2009
豬油 . 豬油渣 Lard . Pork Rinds / Scratchings
Get whole story here (photographed)
Give up lard? Give me reasons to!
Engage in eating - Lard
Love Pork Rinds?A bite tells thousand words!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
How to Make Katsudon (Tonkatsu Deep Fried Pork and Egg Bowl)
Ingredients for Katsudon
(serves 1)
- Tonkatsu -
120g 1cm thick Pork Loin (0.265 lb, 1/2 inch)
A Pinch of Salt
A Pinch of Pepper
1/4 Egg
A Pinch of Water
Nama-Panko - Fresh Bread Crumbs
Frying Oil
- Sauce -
50ml Water (0.211 u.s. cup)
1/5 tsp Granulated Dashi
1 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Hon-Mirin (Real Mirin)
1 tsp Sugar
70g Onion (2.47 oz)
1 Egg
Mitsuba - Japanese Wild Parsley
200g Fresh Steamed Rice (0.441 lb)
How to Make Yakibuta Ramen (Japanese Noodle Dish with Roasted Pork Ribs)
(serves 2)
- Yakibuta -
500g Pork Ribs (17.6 oz)
Green Part of Welsh Onion
A Small Piece of Ginger
4 tbsp Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Sake
1 tbsp Brown Sugar
** Boil down the pork ribs soup until the volume is less than 300cc (1 1/4 u.s. cups).
- Seasoned Soft-Boiled Eggs -
2 Eggs (65g-70g/2.29oz-2.47oz)
1 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Sake
1 tbsp Mirin
** Season the eggs for several hours at a room temperature or keep them in a fridge overnight.
- Toppings -
12cm White Part of Welsh Onion (5 inch)
80g Spinach (2.82oz)
Narutomaki - Cylindrical Kamaboko
Menma - Condiment Made from Dried Bamboo Shoots
Toasted Nori
- Dashi Stock -
1200ml Water (5.07 u.s. cup)
10g Dried Sardines (0.353 oz)
10x5cm Dried Kombu Kelp (4x2 inch)
2 Bags of Raw Ramen Noodles
2 tsp Chicken Stock
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Roasted Pork
Famous Roasted Pork in town - Kum Kee Chicken Rice 金記燒蠟雞飯 @ Kuchai Lama
(@ Kedai Kopi & Makanan Mooi Mooi, opposite the '4 Faced Buddha' Temple)
Home-made Roasted Pork 自制烧肉:
三层肉 1公斤
盐 1汤匙
胡椒粉 1汤匙
五香粉 1 汤匙
7)烤了约40分钟后,烤箱里会传出pok pok的声音,这是皮开始变脆的美妙音响,好吃的烧肉就快出炉了。
我恍然醒悟,大笑幾聲過後,趕緊把“燒肉”一詞給修正成“燒豬”,並解釋整條是“豬”,切而分食就成了“肉”。同時也忍不住糾正友人對“唐人街”的 稱法,強調華人在此與他族共同爭取獨立建國50年,與西方華埠的歷史背景不同,處境不一,“唐人街”一詞實有自我矮化之嫌,有識之士理應拒絕把茨廠街冠上 China Town!
我說,想要瞭解本地華人的“燒肉文化”,就得先改變那根深蒂固,認為燒豬和燒乳豬就只是廣東人傳統食物的觀念;雖出土文物證明,燒乳豬在廣東已有超 過兩千年歷史,祭祖拜神,喜慶節日,或新店開張,或電影開鏡,燒豬燒肉皆無處不在。至於廣府人的婚禮舊俗,新娘出嫁後第三天返回娘家探親,也就是所謂三朝 回門,若洞房之夜仍是處女,男家將以燒豬及燒乳豬回禮,不然事情可就“鬧大”;當然,現在已沒這方面考量,但保留傳統者仍預先在送大禮時把金豬送上,而燒 乳豬仍不動聲色地留存在婚宴菜色當中,成為舊俗印記。
在台灣及福建,燒乳豬或脆皮燒肉都僅屬於粵式餐館裡的燒臘種類,非在地飲食的主流,與福建人為主導的社會扯不上絲毫民俗關係;然而傳到這裡,燒肉卻 已溶入各方言族群華人的傳統習俗與生活裡;像福建原鄉,在傳統習俗中不可能出現的燒豬,來到南洋,初九拜天公之時,燒豬便成了祭品中的焦點,客家人在清明 掃墓或一般的拜神喜宴上也無燒肉不成。在本地,若說有“燒肉情意結”一詞,那肯定是代表最本土不過的一種各方言族群相互認同的“食俗符號”了。
我微笑。想到的卻是世紀末前夕參加動地吟詩歌朗唱會的舊事,當時正值立百病毒事件鬧得沸沸揚揚,腦炎恐慌滿天飛;我們南北東西奔走全國共20多場巡 迴演出,毀豬滅豬行動時有所聞,哪個州屬劃入疫區,哪個地方的養豬場被關閉了,更頻傳有大人物站台免費吃燒豬的救市活動。記得在一場合裡,詩人游川邊喝啤 酒邊吃燒肉地向我感嘆:老弟!在這裡能如此大口吃肉喝酒,才叫爽快啊!
Roti Babi
Famous Roti Babi in town - Yut Kee @ Dang Wangi
This is an adaptation of Roti babi from one of the Nonya recipe books:
* 250g minced pork
* 4 medium finely diced shallots
* 3tsp of light soya sauce
* 2tsp of grounded coriander seeds
* 1tsp of salt
* 1tsp of white grounded pepper
* 2 tsp of sugar
* White bread
* 2 eggs
* Oil for deep frying
1. Marinate the minced pork with soya sauce, sugar, grounded coriander, salt and white pepper
2. Heat some oil in a pan and saute finely diced shallots. Add the marinated minced pork and saute till cooked. Add salt or light sauce if neccessary. Taste as you go.
3. Slice the bread about 5cm thick. Remove the crust and make a slit to form a pocket
4. Stuff the bread with the cooked pork and seal with a little of the beaten egg
5. Dip the stuffed bread into the beaten egg and place it gently in hot oil to deep fry
6. Drain on paper towel and serve
Pork Biryani (Jadoh)
Jadoh is a rice, pork based Khasi delicacy. It is a representative Meghalaya dish, known for its aromatic taste and minimum use of oil.
2 cups of hill rice
400 gms of pork cut in cubes
1 medium size onion,chopped
1 tbsp ginger paste
1/2 tsp of turmeric
1 tsp of ground black pepper
salt-to taste
2-3 bay leaves
2 tbsp of vegetable oil
fresh cilantro for garnishing.
Heat oil in a flat bottomed pan. Add bay leaves, onions,ginger paste,turmeric and black pepper and fry till the oil separates.
Add the pork pieces and fry for sometime till light brown.
Add the washed rice and fry for 2-3 minutes. Add salt.
Add 4 cups of water and simmer till cooked.
Garnish with cilantro and serve.
Detailed recipe from www